X Zhang

X. Zhang Headshot

X Zhang

  • Visiting Research Scholar


X is a PhD candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Prior to this, he received an MA from the University of Chicago's Committee on International Relations and a BIR from the Australian National University.

X's research focuses on the dynamics of revenge in international conflict. While conventional wisdom and strategic discourse often advocate for retaliation as a means of deterrence, he proposes that the real impetus frequently stems from an intrinsic desire for revenge. He argue that the primary trigger for revenge in international relations is the magnitude of suffering experienced by one’s national ingroup. Consequently, retaliatory actions are less about strategic deterrence and more about inflicting equivalent pain on the adversary, potentially setting off a cycle of revenge. Thus, in security crises and peace settlements, the key to escalation management and rivalry termination lies in reducing adversary suffering and the adversary public's desire for revenge.

As a hobby, X is writing a novel about disinformation and gaslighting in politics.


October 2024

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Misinterpret Iran’s signals of restraint at your peril

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Fellowship Spotlight: X. Zhang

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Fellowship Spotlight: X. Zhang