Archived Research Projects
Archived Research Projects

China Energy Development, Global Climate Change, and International Mitigation Policy
The program explores the applicability of international policy instruments, such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) sanctioned at Kyoto in 1997, to decisions regarding and prospects for energy sector modernization in provinces of China.

Critical Infrastructure Resilience
The Critical Infrastructure Initiative aims to address the growing threat that cyber-incidents pose to the functioning of the basic infrastructure that societies depend upon.

Consortium for Research on Information Security and Policy
The NSA contracted with Stanford University in 1998 to undertake a multi-track program to provide a forum, develop information, and to analyze options for addressing this threat.

Empirical Studies Of Conflict
The Empirical Studies of Conflict Project (ESOC) addresses critical challenges to international security through methodologically rigorous, evidence-based analyses of insurgency, civil war and other sources of politically motivated violence.

Enhancing Implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1540
In Resolution 1540, the United Nations Security Council obligated all states to adopt and enforce effective procedures to prevent terrorist actors from acquiring weapons of mass destruction or related equipment and technologies.

Ethnic Conflict in the Former Soviet Union
Ethnic conflicts in the former Soviet Union, and their potential for triggering serious interstate conflicts, pose a major threat to regional and international security in the years ahead.

Feeding the World in the 21st Century: Exploring the Connections between Food Production, Health, Environmental Resources, and International Security
This project involves political scientists, economists, and medical researchers to address the question of whether hunger, poverty, disease and agricultural resource constraints foster civil conflict and international terrorism.

Industrial Restructuring and the Political Economy in Russia
The nuclear cities have been isolated for security reasons for many decades, and this has also resulted in economic isolation.

Initiative on International Conflict and Negotiation

MacArthur Consortium on International Peace and Cooperation
A consortium composed of Stanford University, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Wisconsin has applied to the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for renewal of a three-year grant on international peace and cooperation.

Managing Global Insecurity Project (MGI)
Nearly 20 years into the post-cold war era, the existing multilateral architecture of international organizations, treaties, and alliances shows signs of acute distress.

Nuclear Proliferation, Nuclear Safety, and the Transport of Hazardous Material
Under the leadership of George Bunn and Fritz Steinhausler, the European Forum and CISAC co-sponsored workshops on the legal and illegal transport and diversion of hazardous materials, and US and EU policy responses to security threats.

Nuclear Risk Reduction
The Nuclear Risk Reduction initiative engages technical and policy experts to reduce nuclear risks by promoting collaboration between the United States and Russia, China and Pakistan.

Project on Peace and Cooperation in the Asian-Pacific Region

Regulation and Power Grid Resilience
This study examines the impacts of regulatory standards and practices on the resilience of the power grid, and aims to de

Strengthening Security and Stability in South Asia
Through research and track-two diplomacy, CISAC scholars seek to identify policy oriented, cooperative measures aimed at fostering effective dialogue between Pakistan and India in an effort to enhance nuclear safety and security in the region.

UNHCR Project on Rethinking Refugee Communities
A collaboration between Stanford’s Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) and the UNHCR that would explore ideas to better protect and support more than 42 million refugees, internally displaced and stateless people worldwide.

William J. Perry Project
The William J. Perry Project educates and engages the public on the dangers of nuclear weapons to the safety and security of the world.