Martin Durdovic

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Martin Durdovic, PhD

  • Affiliate


Dr. Martin Durdovic is a senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and lecturer at the Department of Sociology, Charles University in Prague. Within the Czech Academy of Sciences, he manages the work package Social Aspects of Nuclear Energy in the Systems for Nuclear Power Industry research program and is a member of the Energy Commission. He serves on the Advisory Board of the Czech Radioactive Waste Repository Authority (SURAO) and is also a member of the Steering Committee in the international SHARE platform (Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionizing Radiation Research).

Dr. Durdovic specializes in social theory and research into the relationship between society and energy, with an emphasis on nuclear energy. In 2020, his monograph, Narrative and Dialogue: The Theory of Social Intersubjectivity, received the biennial award of the Czech Sociological Association for the best sociological book. As a sociologist, he is actively involved in the siting process of a deep geological repository in the Czech Republic.