CISAC Events

Seminars and events contribute to a lively and meaningful dialogue on a wide range of scholarly issues.
Directors' Seminars
CISAC Seminars showcase Stanford faculty and researchers, as well as policy makers and visiting scholars from around the world. Speakers typically cover general topics on international security and present the policy implications of their research or their years of experience in the public and private sector. CISAC Seminars are free and usually open to the public. At speaker’s request, some events may be by invitation only.
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Research Seminars
The CISAC Research Seminar Series features speakers that present on topics related to international security and their policy implications. The purpose is to encourage discussion between scholars at CISAC, Stanford and beyond to further CISAC’s goals of sharing knowledge, promoting scholarly research and influencing policy.
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Drell Lecture
The Drell Lecture is an annual public event sponsored by CISAC. By tradition, the Drell lecturer addresses a current and critical national or international security issue that has important scientific or technical dimensions. The Drell Lecture is named for Sidney Drell, CISAC's founding science co-director. Albert and Cicely Wheelon generously endowed the lectureship.
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