Interactive cartoon introduces cybersecurity fellows, their work

Interactive cartoon introduces cybersecurity fellows, their work

CISAC scholars are putting Stanford at the center of research on cybersecurity and the future of the Internet, drawing on experts from across campus and around the globe. Privacy and Internet freedoms in countries whose government restrict the use of social media and Web browsing, as well as the use of information technologies by organized crime and individual hackers, are all topics driving the innovative work underway at CISAC. 

Leading the charge are CISAC's inaugural cybersecurity fellows: Jonathan Mayer, Andrew K. Woods, and Timothy Junio. In this interactive cartoon by political journalist Dan Archer, we are introduced to the fellows, their work, and what they believe are the most pressing issues facing us today. The cartoon includes links to audio, video and articles.

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Learn More About CISAC Fellowships

(Applications Due February 1)