For cyber experts, disinformation overshadows cyberthreats in midterms
For cyber experts, disinformation overshadows cyberthreats in midterms
There are two main ways bad actors can try to influence U.S. elections: by manipulating voters or by breaching election equipment or software.

There are two main ways bad actors can try to influence U.S. elections: by manipulating voters or by breaching election equipment or software.
Our group of cyber experts say they’re more worried about the first possibility but less worried about the second in this upcoming election compared to 2020.
The midterm elections are next week (yes, really) so we polled our Network experts group about how they’re feeling. A majority, 58 percent, said they’re more worried about operations designed to manipulate voters in the midterms compared to 2020. But just 19 percent said they’re more worried about cyberthreats this time.
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