Conversation on high ceilings
Conversation on high ceilings
The former head of the American delegation at the START negotiations, former US Deputy Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller, noted in a comment to Kommersant that statements regarding the possible unilateral benefit for the US from resuming the implementation of the treaty puzzle her.
The United States does not rule out that Russia could exceed the quantitative ceilings of the bilateral Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty (START) in 2024, and considers this a serious problem. This is stated in a new report by the State Department submitted to Congress. The Russian authorities suspended the implementation of the START against the backdrop of the conflict with the United States over Ukraine, but promised to comply with its ceilings if the Americans adhere to them. Moscow has not yet commented on the accusations made by Washington. Earlier, the Russian Foreign Ministry assured that the process of rearmament of Russian strategic nuclear forces clearly fits within the limits of the START.
The State Department submitted a report to Congress on Russia's compliance with the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty . According to the report, the United States cannot confirm that Moscow complied with the limits stipulated by this agreement in 2024: 700 units for deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), and heavy bombers (HBs), 1,550 units for warheads on them, 800 units for deployed and non-deployed launchers of ICBMs and SLBMs, as well as HBs. The State Department explains the inability to verify that Russia complies with these ceilings by the fact that Russia has stopped notifying the United States about the status of its weapons and does not allow inspectors to its facilities. At the same time, the review claims for the first time that Russia could have exceeded the threshold values.
For the full article and Rose Gottemoeller's comments, visit