
What is the CISAC Mentorship Program?
The CISAC Mentorship Program is designed for undergraduate women and under-represented minorities in national security to be mentored by CISAC Fellows. The objective of the program is to advance women and under-represented minorities in national security fields as defined in CISAC's mission statement.
Who can be a mentee?
Stanford University undergraduate students* that are intereseted in national security.
*It is not a requirement for the mentee to be a woman or an under-represented minority but preferences will be given to those applicants.
Time commitment:
At least four 30-minute meetings are required per quarter. More meetings can be scheduled between the mentor/mentee depending on the mentor's availability and mentee's needs.
If you would like to be considered as a mentee for the next session, fill out this form.
If you would like to be considered as a mentor, please contact Ian Reynolds ( or Jason Kim (
Mentee/Mentor matching:
Mentees are matched, to the best of our abilities, to mentors based on shared interests.
New mentees are expected to be chosen twice a year. You will be notified whether you were chosen as mentee/mentor for the program about one month after the registration is closed.
If you have any other questions, please contact Ian Reynolds ( or Jason Kim (