CISAC Honors Thesis Topics 2013

CISAC Honors Thesis Topics 2013



Vaeme Afokpa

International Relations

Minor in Modern Languages

Terrorism Financing in West Africa and the Sahel


Khaled Alshawi


Effects of Economic Sanctions on Conducting International Business


Scott Bade


The Impact of British and French Colonialism on Intervention in Former African Colonies


David Hoyt               

International Relations

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Collaboration or Competition between China and Russia in Central Asia


Daniel Khalessi       

International Relations

NATO's Nuclear Sharing Arrangements and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty


George Malkin        

International Relations

Where Dragons Meet Jungle: 

Brazil's Policy Responses to Chinese Trade and Investment in Brazil


Ryan Mayfield         

Political Science

The Effects of Embedded Journalists on American Service Personnel


Ravi Patel                 

Biology,Minor in International Relations

Using Energy and Economy to Influence a Nuclear Armed Pakistan


Daniel Reynolds     

Management Science and Engineering

Minor in Political Science

More with Less:  Prioritizing U.S. Navy Global Presence with Reductions in Defense Spending


Flora Wang

International Relations

Impact of Historical Memory on Bloggers Who May Be Fueling a Rise in Chinese Nationalism


Jessica Ward           

Political Science

Minor in Arabic

Al-Qaeda Affiliates and Regional Instability


Katarzyna Zabrocka                  


The Soviet Biological Weapons Program and Its Importance Today


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