Thomas Fingar proposes some questions for the Republican presidential debate
Thomas Fingar proposes some questions for the Republican presidential debate
1. Eight U.S. presidents have said that the United States wants China to be strong, secure, and prosperous. Do you share that objective and what consequences, positive and negative, has China’s rise had for the United States?
2. What is the best way for the United States to respond to the rise of China, India, Brazil, and other large and rapidly growing countries?
3. Do you consider China a partner or an adversary of the United States -- and what should U.S. policy toward China seek to accomplish?
4. Given the importance of defense industry jobs, especially in Republican-leaning states, is it politically necessary for the U.S. to have an enemy to justify a U.S. military budget larger than the total military budgets of most other nations, many of which are allies of the United States. In other words, do we “need” to depict China as an adversary?
5. Robert Zoelleck, when he was deputy secretary of state, urged China to become a "responsible stakeholder" in the international system. What did he mean by that and, in your opinion, is China a responsible participant in the international system