Award recognizes CISAC scholar's homeland security research
Award recognizes CISAC scholar's homeland security research
CISAC faculty member Lawrence M. Wein, the Paul E. Holden Professor of Management Science at Stanford's Graduate School of Business, received the 2007 President's Award from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), during its annual meeting the first week in November.
In presenting the award, which recognizes "important contributions to society," INFORMS President Brenda Dietrich said, "Larry Wein's work on homeland security is perhaps the ultimate contribution to the welfare of society, as his work is helping to ensure the safety of us all."
Referring to the policy contributions of his research on smallpox, anthrax, and botulinum toxin attacks; container security; and border security, the award citation honors Wein for "his pioneering research [that] characterizes and improves homeland security operations." It also commends him "for communicating his results to government officials and the public at large."