The Greatest Nuclear Risks

The Greatest Nuclear Risks

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Hewlett Teaching Center, Room 201

This talk is part of the Defusing the Nuclear Threat lecture series.

Siegfried Hecker is Director Emeritus of Los Alamos National Laboratories and co-Director of Stanford's Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC). He describes his talk as follows: The exchange of hundreds of nuclear weapons which would threaten life on Earth as we know it has all but disappeared with the end of the Cold War. The potential of a limited nuclear exchange has increased with the spread of nuclear weapons to places like South Asia. Yet, the greatest nuclear risk stems from the potential of sub-national or terrorist groups obtaining fissile materials, building an improvised nuclear device, and exploding it in a major city somewhere in the world. I will present my list of the greatest threats, headed by Pakistan, and explore what we must do to manage these risks.

A map and parking information can be found here.