Bankruptcy, Guns or Campaigns: Explaining Armed Organizations' Post-War Trajectories
Bankruptcy, Guns or Campaigns: Explaining Armed Organizations' Post-War Trajectories
Thursday, November 12, 20093:30 PM - 5:00 PM (Pacific)
What happens to armed organizations after they sign peace accords? Why do they dissolve, return to war, or form non-violent political parties? This seminar addresses and seeks to explain this empirical variation in former armed groups’' trajectories, using extensive micro-level data on the Colombian paramilitaries. In so doing, it seeks to contribute an organizational-level study of peace-building. The trajectories explored in this seminar fundamentally shape prospects for peace, state-building, and democratization, influence post-war patterns of human rights abuses, and impact the legalization of war economies.
Sarah Zukerman Daly is a 2009-2010 Predoctoral Fellow and Visiting Scholar. She is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Political Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Sarah holds a BA (2003) with Distinction in International Relations from Stanford University and a MS (2004) with Distinction in Development Studies from the London School of Economics. She is also an alumna of the 2002-2003 CISAC Undergraduate Honors Program.
Sarah's dissertation analyzes variation in demilitarized groups' post-war trajectories. Specifically, it asks, why, in the aftermath of peace agreements, do armed actors form political parties, remilitarize, or go out of business? Her other current projects seek to explain sub-national variation in insurgency onset in Colombia; state strategies towards ethnic minorities in the former Soviet Union; and the role of emotions in transitional justice.